Service Terms

Legal Contracts

All contracts for customers.

Legal Contracts

These are the Terms of Use for Hostixo Internet Information Technologies Trade and Industry Limited Company. Every customer who registers in the system is deemed to have accepted these terms.

service agreement

1- Parties

1.1: Hostixo Internet Bil, which provides the services specified in the services section of this agreement. Summer. Hist. Trade and Industry Limited Company ( between the specified person/institution (referred to as the Customer) and the details specified in the new customer registration section (referred to as the Customer) Dec. which belongs to the use of the website (referred to as the Site) operating at the internet address (and its subsites) and the services to be purchased through this site will be deemed to have been signed with the following terms and conditions.

1.2: The parties hereby declare, accept and undertake the accuracy of the information written in this agreement.

2- The topic

2.1: Business parts of this agreement that the customer has permission to do and not to do in accordance with the information provided by him during the registration process in his transactions on the site, in his orders, in the messages he sends, in exchange for the services he will receive in accordance with his preferences in his orders he will arrange the fees that he will pay to. These service and transaction descriptions are as follows.

2.2: Membership information is the information entered by the customer during membership. Since this information will be based on the transactions performed, it is assumed that the customer and the member have entered this information completely and correctly without errors.

3- Responsibilities

3.1: , will provide the services that the customer transmits as an order upon request. With the message of acceptance of the order he will accept that he has collected the relevant fee and will undertake to provide the service specified in this order.

Paid payable fees 3.2: The payment method, VAT differences are indicated with the total amount to be deducted during the order and the fees that the customer must pay according to the monthly or annual payment preferences it will be notified by.

3.3: After order acceptance and confirmation of transactions , the customer will transmit the access information and passwords related to the service contained in the order detail to the customer, and the service will have started. The responsibility of the relevant accounts and passwords is the responsibility of the customer, and the customer will be responsible for any damages and losses that may arise from these issues.

3.4: Within the scope of the service received by the customer he undertakes that he will comply with the declarations and warnings received by him. When the customer uses the hosting account declares, accepts and undertakes to comply with all kinds of warnings or notifications published by. The Customer may not distribute or sell the services provided to him free of charge and unlimited in the possession service he has received, to third parties again for a fee or free of charge and / or limited or unlimited.

3.5: The Customer undertakes not to access files or programs that do not have access rights by using the software and programs that he has within the service, not to create any problems due to such a problem, and to compensate for any problems and problems that may occur.

3.6: The Client accepts and undertakes that taxes, fees and similar obligations that are in force during the use of the domain name, hosting or services he receives, or that will enter into force during the contract, belong to him and will be met.

3.7: The customer agrees and undertakes that he is responsible for all files, documents and programs that he hosts within the scope of the service, all transactions that he will use and benefit from with the website and e-mail services, and that he will bear all civil and criminal liability that may arise from the violation of the laws of such data, information and statements. Business problems that may arise in this regard ‘a cannot be transmitted any defect.

3.8: it does not review, verify, endorse pages before they are sent, or take any responsibility for pages made by the user in any way. user accounts for violating these guidelines or for any other reason, or it may terminate because it believes that it is harmful to its own or any of its users’ business. it has the right to delete illegal elephants and actions without notifying the customer as soon as it learns about them.

3.9: , shall not be held responsible for any material or moral damages that may arise from improper use of customer data contained in the service provided, data contents, all data used by e-mail. The obligations of backup and storage of these data belong to the customer. it will subject all customer’s data to regular backup and maintenance. Despite this for errors, damages and losses that may occur due to interruptions or data loss that may occur in their services he is not responsible. The backup of the data is the responsibility of the customer unless otherwise specified in the contract text.

3.10 AM: , will carry out domain name registration procedures that have been ordered by the customer and paid for smoothly. The owner of the domain name that is registered and whose fee is paid with the registration request accepted by the order is the customer. in this regard, it will be able to process transactions on the domain name in accordance with the customer’s requests. An arrangement, changes and transfer requests on the domain name will be made by the client as soon as possible.

4- Duration

4.1: The work of this contract is carried out through the Internet environment of order and pay transactions with the transmission to, the specified rights and obligations of the parties begin.

4.2: The contract period is the same as the pay period selected by the customer at the time of ordering for the relevant service.

4.3: If the parties have not notified that the contract will expire at the end of the term until 10 working days before the expiration of the contract, the contract will extend as long as the previous contract period with the same terms and conditions. (changes in the salary are reserved.)

5- Fee

5.1: The fee to be paid for the services specified in this contract is the amount specified during the order process. VAT is calculated by including it in the specified fees later, and collection takes place by showing it to the customer.

5.2: it reserves the right to make forward-looking changes to prices and tariffs without prior notice. The client accepts, declares and undertakes any changes that may occur in advance regarding these changes.

5.3: If the fee is in a foreign currency, it is paid by converting it to Turkish Lira at the effective sales rate on the invoice date.

5.4: The fee is 5 from the date of invoicing. pay paid by credit card during the order process until the end of the working day, if there is a payment order by credit card, from the credit card account, if there is no payment order by credit card, to the bank account numbers specified in the customer contact address, or ’a is obliged to pay by hand.

5.5: In case of delay of paying exchange rate difference reserves the right to cut invoice.

5.6: , the customer reserves the right to close or open the relevant service until the paying transaction is completed.

5.7: As specified at the time of ordering, no refunds are paid for domain/domain name, SSL certificates, monthly received hosting, reseller hosting and server services (co-location, dedicated, vps virtual servers).

6- Suspension

Paying pays off 6.1: Problems with payment, provision problems for customers who have a credit card payment order or due to clauses related to terms and obligations , reserves the right to stop all services provided to the customer, all e-mail, web, ftp accounts.

6.2: During the continuation of this situation, e-mail, web, ftp access cannot be made on behalf of the customer, and e-mail accounts are blocked and incoming e-mails are rejected.

6.3: The maximum CPU and RAM usage rate per site on the server is 10% for individual hosting, 12% for reseller hosting, and 15% for enterprise hosting. User accounts that exceed the specified limits are suspended after the first warning.

6.4: Both copyrights are required on our servers.C. it is forbidden to possess content contrary to the laws. This content includes Hack, Crack, Warez, Adult and MP3 content.

6.5: The security of all software on the server belongs to our customers. 
 Our company is not responsible in any way for your software or any issues that may arise from the management side.

7- Termination

7.1: If the customer does not fulfill his responsibilities and obligations by violating any article of this agreement, or if it is determined that the information declared on the front of this agreement is not correct, if the suspension of the above-mentioned agreement continues for more than 7 days, he/she has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally without any notice or notice.

Paid paid contract fee 7.2: After such termination, the customer declares, accepts and undertakes that he/she cannot claim back the last contract fee he/she has paid regardless of the remaining period, and to pay commercial punitive damages 5 times the equivalent contract price in force on the date of termination.

7.3: The Customer has the right to terminate this contract at the end of its term, provided that the customer gives written notice 10 days before the contract expires with the normal period without any justification.

Paid payables 7.4: In case the contract is terminated by the customer before the expiry date, the customer declares, accepts and undertakes to pay 1/2 of the fees to be paid until the end of the contract in advance and in advance.

8- Contact and Information Addresses

8.1: The parties have accepted, declared and committed to the postal addresses specified in the order address as legal residence for all kinds of notifications arising from the contractual subject matter of the parties.

8.2: All kinds of notifications made to these addresses will be deemed to have been notified even if they do not reach the hands of the parties. Business The old addresses will be valid unless the changes to these addresses are notified to the other party in writing.


Domain Agreement

1. sides
 Omer HalisDemir University Campus Technopark Building Floor: 2 No: 216 HOSTIXO INFORMATICS LIMITED COMPANY operating at Niğde ADDRESS (after that HOSTİXO.COM referred to as.) which are in control of HOSTİXO.COM a natural or legal person who purchases products and services through the website address (hereinafter referred to as a CUSTOMER.) between the Decrees, the details of which are given below, have been accepted.

2.1 Your electronic approval of this agreement means that you have read the agreement and that you accept and agree to all the terms contained in the agreement.
2.2 All disputes that may arise between both parties will be resolved within the framework of the Decrees detailed in the contract. In case the CUSTOMER violates the specified conditions HOSTİXO.COM it may confiscate the relevant accounts or stop the services provided for a period of time, indefinitely.
2.3 This agreement HOSTİXO.COM it comes into force between the CUSTOMER and the CUSTOMER after the CUSTOMER Decrees it. This contract HOSTİXO.COM the rules regarding domain registration and transfer that n provides or will provide to the CUSTOMER cover the general terms of service.

3. definitions
3.1 CUSTOMER and HOSTİXO.COM , accepts that all kinds of authorities related to the allocated domain are CUSTOMERS.
3.2 If the domain name service is purchased by a legal entity, the company’s signature authority is considered authorized with the domain name.
3.4 CUSTOMER, need HOSTİXO.COM it accepts all the rules that the Authorized Registration Operator has set or will change later. When necessary to comply with the rules and policies set by ICANN or organizations designated by ICANN as Registration Authorities HOSTİXO.COM changes may need to be made to this agreement by. The CUSTOMER agrees that these changes may be made.
3.5 The service is not considered complete until the domain is registered. For unregistered, document-required, reserved, private (premium) domain names HOSTİXO.COM performs an unconditional refund process and may cancel the order.

HOSTİXO.COM in case the services offered for sale by the CUSTOMER are requested by the CUSTOMER, the CUSTOMER agrees to pay for the service. Paid by the CUSTOMER HOSTİXO.COM it is paid by any of the payment methods determined by nin. HOSTİXO.COM paying paid paid paid by credit card, online payment, bank transfer or EFT is the payment methods determined by the nin. The service fees may be set in Turkish lira or American dollars. However, all payments are converted to Turkish Lira based on the current exchange rate at the order stages and pay is made in Turkish Lira. When the domain registration service is purchased, HOSTİXO.COM paid paid services in the event that he is unable to pay all or part of the price related to the service provided, or even if the payment has been refunded as a result of an appeal made later, in the event that he refunds the payment, HOSTİXO.COM he may apply for all kinds of legal sanctions in the direction of paying the payment. In addition, it may stop the CUSTOMER’s services temporarily or permanently if necessary. If the service is performed by a different person or institution and this person or institution returns that it is the original owner of the service, the domain name is transferred to the paying person. However, the contents uploaded by the CUSTOMER will not be transferred. Only the service transfer is performed.

Domain registrations are registered for a period between 1-5 years according to the CUSTOMER’s preference. Dec. The CUSTOMER can make an extension of time if he wants. The extension of the time takes place by passing the order and paying the CUSTOMER via the control panel. HOSTİXO.COM he is not obliged to perform or follow up the domain renewal process. HOSTİXO.COM , Sends warning e-mails by e-mail to the e-mail address notified by the CUSTOMER during registration. However, if these emails are not noticed by the CUSTOMER or do not reach HOSTİXO.COM there is no obligation of nin. The CUSTOMER is obliged to keep track of the domain expiration date.

TRABIS (internet domain name system with “.tr” extension) is responsible for the .TR domain names, but the problems that will occur due to systemic problems HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible. Registration or failure to register a domain name due to the negativity that will occur due to the presence of TRABIS HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.

If for any reason the domain renewal fee cannot be charged from the CUSTOMER HOSTİXO.COM the domain registered by him will be out of use at the end of the period. The domain that is out of use will be renewed and active by extending the period if the CUSTOMER requests it within 15 days and covers the costs that will arise. However, after 15 days, the domain enters the Redemption Period process. If the CUSTOMER wants to get a domain name during this process, the costs are calculated by adding the costs requested by ICANN. At the end of the Redemption Period, the domain enters the cancellation process. No renewal process can be performed in this process in any way. During the process, the domain will become available for purchase by everyone again.


THE CUSTOMER, HOSTİXO.COM this agreement is valid as long as the domain makes the registration process through it. According to ICANN rules, the domain cannot be transferred to another company for 60 days from the date of domain registration and renewal. HOSTİXO.COM it may make changes to this agreement from time to time in accordance with both the laws and international domain rules. The CUSTOMER is deemed to have accepted these changes and updates that may be made. If the CUSTOMER requests to terminate this agreement unilaterally, it is considered that he/she has accepted that he/she will not receive any payback.

Domain name transactions are carried out within the framework of procedures determined by the internationally organized ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, Internet Institution of Assigned Numbers and Names) and TRABIS (internet domain name system with the extension “.tr”). These procedures are rules determined by the relevant authority, have worldwide validity, cannot be changed, and all domain name extensions are binding.


The CUSTOMER is obliged to keep the information provided as part of the services received accurate and up-to-date. In case there is a discrepancy in any information HOSTİXO.COM he has to make changes on his side. Whatever the reason, the CUSTOMER HOSTİXO.COM if the information provided to you is not accurate, the contract is deemed to have been violated. Also in suspicious cases HOSTİXO.COM , has the right to request up-to-date information from the CUSTOMER. In case this information is not provided HOSTİXO.COM it has the authority to stop and cancel the services provided. The CUSTOMER agrees that the contact information provided during domain registration will be displayed on the Internet in accordance with the rules of the registration operators. Because of this information, which is seen by everyone on the Internet, the CUSTOMER, HOSTİXO.COM yi cannot be held responsible.

For each domain registered by the CUSTOMER, the information detailed below is included in whois services in a way that everyone can see in accordance with the international domain policies. 3 On the Internet. It is considered accepted by the CUSTOMER that individuals can access this information as a result of inquiries and that this information can be used commercially.

name surname
Email Address
Postal Address
Name server server information
Domain registration date
Domain expiration date

THE CUSTOMER, HOSTİXO.COM it is deemed to have accepted the “Dispute Resolution Policy” organized by it within the framework of international domain rules. HOSTİXO.COM it may change these rules when necessary. December to review the changes made to the solution rules while the CUSTOMER is receiving service, at certain intervals HOSTİXO.COM agrees that it is necessary to read the contracts on the site. If the CUSTOMER wants to cancel the domain registration due to these changes, no refund can be made

The CLIENT shall transfer any domain to another person HOSTİXO.COM it can be transferred via the website or the CUSTOMER authority. After the transfer process is completed, the domain cannot be revoked or its operation cannot be interfered with. The CUSTOMER makes the sonar transfer process after researching all the risks and making sure before the transfer. From the disputes that occurred after the transfer HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible. A domain name can only be transferred to another domain registration company via a transfer code. HOSTIXO after the domain has been transferred to another company.COMnin does not have any responsibility on the relevant domain.

THE CUSTOMER, HOSTİXO.COM accepts all the rules set by nin or the authorized registration operator. In case of non-compliance with the rules specified in the contracts HOSTİXO.COM it has the right to stop, suspend or cancel the provided service.

HOSTİXO.COM any domain that has been sold by him cannot be canceled in any way after the sale has taken place. No changes can be made to the domain name. No refund can be made in any way.

The CUSTOMER who receives the domain name service agrees and undertakes not to use it or make it available to others for the following specified purposes.

12.1 HOSTİXO.COM performing high-volume or repetitive operations on the services provided by the (such as domain query)
12.2 Uses such as mail bombardment arrival address, packet tampering, internet packet flooding.
12.3 Illegal access to servers, damage or login by exploiting security vulnerabilities.
12.4 Attempts that constitute slander, damage, threats, harassment and similar legal crimes against any person or institution.
12.5 the crimes defined in the law No. 5651.
12.6 Terrorist and hate crimes, child porn content or links provided to such content.
12.7 Attempts to imitate a different person.
12.8 General immoral contents

HOSTİXO.COM in such cases, it can take all kinds of measures such as cancellation, cancellation related to the domain service. No refund will be made for the domain name price due to breach of contract.

Hosting Service Agreement

1. sides 
HOSTIXO BILIŞIM LIMITED COMPANY operating at the address of Ömer HalisDemir University Campus Technopark Building Floor: 2 No: 216 Niğde. (after that HOSTİXO.COM referred to as.) which are in control of HOSTİXO.COM a natural or legal person who purchases products and services through the website address (hereinafter referred to as a CUSTOMER.) between the Decrees, the details of which are given below, have been accepted.

2.1 Your electronic approval of this agreement means that you have read the agreement and that you accept and agree to all the terms contained in the agreement.
2.2 All disputes that may arise between both parties will be resolved within the framework of the Decrees detailed in the contract. In case the CUSTOMER violates the specified conditions HOSTİXO.COM it may confiscate the relevant accounts or stop the services provided for a period of time, indefinitely.
2.3 This agreement HOSTİXO.COM it comes into force between the CUSTOMER and the CUSTOMER after the CUSTOMER Decrees it. This contract HOSTİXO.COM the rules of the hosting services that the CUSTOMER provides or will provide cover the general terms of service.

3. definitions
3.1 HOSTİXO.COM the service provided to the CUSTOMER by the websites or databases of HOSTİXO.COM it is published on servers provided by infrastructure. The CUSTOMER can purchase Reseller hosting ( Reseller ), Web Hosting or Database services independently of each other or together. When the CUSTOMER purchases these services, he/she is deemed to have accepted all the terms contained in this agreement.
3.2 HOSTİXO.COM , is obliged to provide the relevant service in the best possible way depending on the contractual clauses. The CUSTOMER acknowledges that in some cases there may be problems accessing the services. The problems that may cause disruption of the service are given below.

Force majeure (natural disasters, war, etc.)
Hardware failures
Interruptions that may occur during maintenance
Interruptions that will occur on Internet lines, interruptions that will occur during malicious attacks

3.3 THE CUSTOMER, HOSTİXO.COM acknowledges that problems may occur with the services provided by .
3.4 HOSTİXO.COM , will make the maximum efforts necessary to ensure continuity in the services provided to the CUSTOMER.
3.5 HOSTİXO.COM , may make stops and inspections in the services it provides.
3.6 SSL Certificates are used together with a specific domain and service (products such as hosting, server, e-mail). HOSTİXO.COM the SSL service sold by or from a different company works only depending on a specific domain and service and is specially designed. It may not be possible to transfer SSL to another company or service.
CUSTOMER’s HOSTİXO.COM it is necessary to store and back up the private key (Private KEY) belonging to the SSL certificate running connected to a website located on its servers on its own side. The CLIENT has the private key in the process of moving to another server HOSTİXO.COM he cannot demand from . This is done with the private key that the customer has backed up. Technical problems that may occur if the SSL certificate is moved HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
3.7 Within the scope of Reseller Hosting service HOSTİXO.COM , TO CUSTOMER 3. It gives the right to sell to people.
The CUSTOMER belongs to the services provided by the Reseller under the Hosting service 3. He is responsible for the support requests requested by people.
HOSTİXO.COM it only provides technical support service to the CUSTOMER. The CUSTOMER is responsible for the content in the reseller hosting package. In case of any legal review HOSTİXO.COM , provides the requested contact information or log records to judicial authorities or law enforcement agencies.

3.8 The domain names in the domain name gift campaign given in some packages are defined during the order. It is not given later. Although gift domain covers the first year of its service period, the renewal price included in the price list is applied during the renewal process. In case of refund /cancellation of our packages with a free domain name, a refund is made by deducting the amount of the domain name.

3.9 Free Transportation is carried out according to the density and no data guarantee is offered. Hostixo is only responsible for transferring site data from the old service provider to its own servers, and the responsibility for not working due to possible problems on the site belongs to the customer.  Additional service fee may be requested for high-Octane transportation operations.

3.10 Unlimited definitions have been created in order to avoid access problems at instantaneous densities, and usage of 5GB and above is subject to controls. When necessary, it may be requested to remove the content by issuing a warning.

3.10 Email quotas are limited in IMAP format within the scope of the package limits on our website. A fee may be charged for additional Oct.

3.11 In order to provide a free SSL certificate, the domain name must be redirected to our company’s NS address. 

3.12 Our company does not accept responsibility in case of domain name or Free SSL is not received for any other reason.  Hostixo does not offer a free SSL guarantee.

3.13 Hostixo does not accept responsibility for the services provided free of charge.

3.14 Although there is no data guarantee in the backup return service offered for free, a free return can be requested 1 time per month. Additional service fee may be charged for further requests.Oct.

3.15 The backup service offered free of charge does not cover sites with data above 5GB.

3.16 The SSL certificate, which is offered free of charge, is automatically renewed with 3-month processes. Renewal warranty is not offered. Tracking and control are the responsibility of the customer.

3.17 It is not allowed to host resource-consuming sites such as high disk that does not receive broadcasts via the server in reseller packages.

3.18 In case of high resource consumption of software intended for testing or demo purposes in dealer packages, it may be requested to be removed by informing the user.


4.1. THE CUSTOMER, HOSTİXO.COM he may not engage in behaviors and shares aimed at harming the commercial reputation and reputation of nin. In case such attempts are detected HOSTİXO.COM he has the right to terminate the contract.
4.2. By accepting this agreement, the CUSTOMER agrees not to publish content that is contrary to laws, statutes, regulations, general morality and decency. The CUSTOMER is responsible for the contents belonging to himself or his subordinate customers. In case of outliers HOSTİXO.COM it may suspend services or completely delete them from its systems. In cases of violation of such contractual provisions, no refund will be made.

The following are the contractual contents in the Hosting and Reseller Hosting services;

Using crontab (scheduled task) more often than 15 Min
Toplist sites
IRC scripts, bots
Proxy scripts/anonymizers
Pirated software/warez
Image Hosting Scripts (such as Photobucket or Tinypic)
AutoSurf/PTC/PTS/PPC sites
IP Scanners
Bruteforce Programs/Scripts/Applications
Mail Bombers/Spam Scripts
Banner-Ad services (commercial banner ad cycle)
Dump file/Mirror scripts (similar to rapidshare)
Commercial Audio Broadcasting (those with more than one or two broadcasts)
Escrow account/Bank Bonds
Investment sites (FOREX, E-Gold Exchange, Second Life/Linden Exchange, Ponzi, MLM/Bliss Chain)
Sale of the necessary permission(s) without prior proof of the existence of the sale of substances subject to permission
The programs of the banks that determine the market
Lottery/gambling sites
Sites that artificially generate traffic
Hacker-oriented sites/archives/programs
Sites promoting illegal activities
Forums or internet sites that distribute or link to warez/pirated/illegal content
Fraud Sites ( in and also included are those counted in)
Mailer Pro
Live Sports Events (UFC, NASCAR, FIFA, NFL, MLB, NBA, WWE, WWF, etc.) all types of publications
Pin to pin systems used for Pinterest
Social media tracking automations
High-size News sites or blog sites

b) The contents that cannot be hosted on Physical or Virtual servers are as follows;

IRCD (irc servers)
IRC scripts/bots
Pirated Software/Warez
IP Scanners
Bruteforce Programs/Scripts/Applications
Mail Bombers/spam scripts
Escrow account
Investment sites (FOREX, E-Gold Exchange, Second Life/Linden Exchange, Ponzi, MLM/Bliss Chain)
Sale of the necessary permission(s) without prior proof of the existence of the sale of substances subject to permission
Lottery/gambling sites
Hacker-oriented sites/archives/programs
Sites promoting illegal activities
Forums or internet sites that distribute or link to warez/pirated/illegal content
Fraud Sites ( in and also included are those counted in)
Mailer Pro
Live Sports Events (UFC, NASCAR, FIFA, NFL, MLB, NBA, WWE, WWFi, Lig TV, Süper Lig, PTT 1. Liga, Bein Sports, LaLiga etc.) all types of publications

Even if it is not mentioned in the written lists, it is forbidden to do activities that are contrary to the law and are known as crimes. Otherwise HOSTİXO.COM he retains the right to terminate the contract.


4.3. Resource Usage
4.3.1 100% or more of the resources belonging to the system used in the purchase of services cannot be used for 180 seconds or more. Sites that are constantly using 100% are limited by a lower level processor limit.
4.3.2 In limited packages, 100,000 (one hundred thousand) Unlimited Hosting packages are limited to 200 thousand INODES (total number of files and folders).
4.3.3 Except for the content of the website, content unrelated to the website cannot be kept.
4.3.4 Personal content cannot be stored under the image, video, music gallery.
4.3.5 It cannot be used for archival purposes for any kind of content.
4.3.6 Files intended for sharing cannot be hosted (zip, .wpress, tar.gz, rar etc. files with compressed extensions)
4.3.7 The database service cannot be used as a remote server.
4.3.8 Hourly email sending is limited to 250 pieces.

4.3.9 Backup files cannot be hosted (zip, .wpress, tar.gz, rar etc. files with compressed extensions)

4.4 Bandwidth Usage
Even if the bandwidth that the CUSTOMER can use on a monthly basis is unlimited, there are limits that the server and infrastructure have. If these limits are reached, access problems may occur.
4.5 HOSTİXO.COM , makes the necessary efforts to publish all CUSTOMER’s data securely. However, he cannot be held responsible as a result of problems that may arise. The backup of the data is the CUSTOMER’s own responsibility.
The CUSTOMER is obliged to protect the email address to which the passwords and passwords for the accounts are sent. From the damage that may occur as a result of the passwords falling into the hands of other people HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.

5. payment
5.1 THE CUSTOMER, HOSTİXO.COM den is obliged to pay for the services it purchases in advance at all times. In case pay is not made HOSTİXO.COM he has the right to terminate the service.
5.2 In case the CUSTOMER pays into his bank accounts, he has to enter the order number in the description section. Otherwise, which service does the paid service belong to HOSTİXO.COM it cannot be detected by. In this case, the damages that may occur HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
5.3 In the hosting and Reseller hosting services, the service is stopped if 2 days elapse from the end of the period. after 7 days, it is permanently deleted from the systems.

5.4 The CUSTOMER cannot hold our company responsible for their data after the deletion process.

6. Octavo
6.1 THE CUSTOMER, HOSTİXO.COM additional service fee may be charged for the transactions that are requested to be performed by our team at their own responsibility related to the services purchased from Oct.

6.2 If the CUSTOMER has not renewed within the specified period and his account has been completely deleted, a return fee may be charged from the backup if he requests a backup from our company.

HOSTİXO.COM at any time, he can amend the articles of the contract. The CUSTOMER is deemed to have accepted that such changes may be made as long as he continues to receive service.
THE CUSTOMER, HOSTİXO.COM in case of violation of the rules contained in their contracts HOSTİXO.COM , May stop the services provided to the CUSTOMER without prior notice. In this case, the fee will not be refunded.

Server Agreement

1. sides
 HOSTIXO BILIŞIM LIMITED COMPANY operating at the address of Ömer HalisDemir University Campus Technopark Building Floor: 2 No: 216 Niğde. (after that HOSTİXO.COM referred to as.) which are in control of HOSTİXO.COM a natural or legal person who purchases products and services through the website address (hereinafter referred to as a CUSTOMER.) between the Decrees, the details of which are given below, have been accepted.

2.1 Your electronic approval of this agreement means that you have read the agreement and that you accept and agree to all the terms contained in the agreement.
2.2 All disputes that may arise between both parties will be resolved within the framework of the Decrees detailed in the contract. In case the CUSTOMER violates the specified conditions HOSTİXO.COM it may confiscate the relevant accounts or stop the services provided for a period of time, indefinitely.
2.3 This agreement HOSTİXO.COM it takes effect between the CUSTOMER and the CUSTOMER after the CUSTOMER Decrees it. This contract HOSTİXO.COM the rules of the COMPANY regarding the services provided or provided to the CUSTOMER cover the general terms of service.

HOSTİXO.COM the list of services that the company will provide to the CUSTOMER within the scope of this agreement is given below

HOSTİXO.COM renting a Physical Server owned by (Dedicated or Rented Server)
VPS, VDS Server or Cloud Server (HOSTİXO.COM virtual servers that provide services through their servers)
Server Hosting service (Co-location)

4.1 After the customer pays, the service is opened for use and the information is sent to the customer. The service may be online or require a 24-48 hour installation process in cases requiring special installation.
4.2 HOSTİXO.COM due to access problems caused as a result of problems such as downtime, slowness, which may occur on Internet lines that develop outside of the control of HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
4.3 HOSTİXO.COM problems that may occur in the software and hardware used on the server after opening the service HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
4.4 The responsibility for backup on the servers belongs to the CUSTOMER. In case of any data loss for whatever reason HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
4.5 Software licenses used on the server HOSTİXO.COM the CUSTOMER is responsible for all software licenses unless it is known that they are covered by. 3. The CUSTOMER is responsible for compensation for any damage to persons or organizations.
4.6 The CUSTOMER is responsible for the content contained in the servers belonging to the CUSTOMER. As a result of all kinds of requests and notifications made by the courts, the public prosecutor’s Office or law enforcement agencies HOSTİXO.COM he may stop the service if he deems it necessary.
4.7 Hardware problems in leased server and VDS/VPS services HOSTİXO.COM he is responsible. Part replacement as soon as possible depending on the supply to the park HOSTİXO.COM it will be done by.
4.8 Server support will be provided within the framework of server support packages. Server management is the CUSTOMER’s responsibility as standard, unless otherwise stated.
HOSTİXO.COM it delivers the server in working condition, the CUSTOMER will be responsible for problems that occur after the management is transferred to the CUSTOMER, such as misconfiguration, file slime, file modification, malicious content, malware, etc. as a result of user-oriented errors. HOSTİXO.COM the server fixes the problem for a fee based on the support price tariff, or it can make a new installation again for a fee.
4.9 The CLIENT may not send unauthorized e-mail (SPAM), Fraud (Pishing) in any way, even if the server belongs to him. Even if it is done outside of CUSTOMER control, when necessary HOSTİXO.COM he has the right to suspend the service without notice.
4.10 The contents that cannot be hosted on the server services are given below

IRCD (irc servers)
IRC scripts/bots
Pirated Software/Warez
IP Scanners
Bruteforce Programs/Scripts/Applications
Mail Bombers/spam scripts
Escrow account
Investment sites (FOREX, E-Gold Exchange, Second Life/Linden Exchange, Ponzi, MLM/Bliss Chain)
Sale of the necessary permission(s) without prior proof of the existence of the sale of substances subject to permission
Lottery/gambling sites
Hacker-oriented sites/archives/programs
Sites promoting illegal activities
Forums or internet sites that distribute or link to warez/pirated/illegal content
Fraud Sites ( in and also included are those counted in)
Mailer Pro
Live Sports Events (UFC, NASCAR, FIFA, NFL, MLB, NBA, WWE, WWF, etc.) all types of publications
Game Servers
4.11 Hostixo does not offer guarantees for the services it offers free of charge. He cannot be held responsible for any problems that may arise from these services.


5.1 HOSTİXO.COM , informs the customer via e-mail about the prices to be charged for the service.
5.2 HOSTİXO.COM , Has the authority to pay the payment without acceptance of the service by the CUSTOMER.
5.3 HOSTİXO.COM , may suspend the service if renewal payments are not paid on time. From the damages that will occur due to the suspension of the service HOSTİXO.COM he is not responsible.
5.4 In the absence of a service renewal, 7 after the service expiration date. The service is permanently deleted from the systems per day.
5.5 The Customer accepts that there are no refunds in the server services.

5.6 Free services are provided to the customer because he has committed to the service and will use the service during the period of purchase. If the service is canceled before this period, the service provided free of charge will be charged and the remaining amount will be refunded. 


6.1 Changes to this agreement approved by the CUSTOMER during the online application will be notified to the CUSTOMER by publishing on the website and/or by e-mail over time.
THE CUSTOMER, HOSTİXO.COM by continuing to use their services, they will be deemed to have accepted the changed contract terms.
6.2 If payments are not made or delayed in any way HOSTİXO.COM he retains the right to terminate the contract.
6.3 In case of non-compliance with the rules specified in the Contract HOSTİXO.COM he terminates the contract. No refund of any fee will be made.

License Services Agreement

1. sides
HOSTIXO BILIŞIM LIMITED COMPANY operating at the address of Ömer HalisDemir University Campus Technopark Building Floor: 2 No: 216 Niğde. (after that HOSTİXO.COM referred to as.) which are in control of HOSTİXO.COM the natural or legal person who purchases the license service through the website address (hereinafter referred to as the CUSTOMER.) between the Decrees, the details of which are given below, have been accepted.

2.1 Your electronic approval of this agreement means that you have read the agreement and that you accept and agree to all the terms contained in the agreement.
2.2 All disputes that may arise between both parties will be resolved within the framework of the Decrees detailed in the contract. In case the CUSTOMER violates the specified conditions HOSTİXO.COM it may confiscate the relevant accounts or stop the services provided for a period of time, indefinitely.
2.3 This agreement HOSTİXO.COM it takes effect between the CUSTOMER and the CUSTOMER after the CUSTOMER Decrees it. This contract HOSTİXO.COM the rules of the COMPANY regarding the licensing services provided or provided to the CUSTOMER cover the general terms of service.

HOSTİXO.COM the list of services that the company will provide to the CUSTOMER within the scope of this agreement is given below

HOSTİXO.COM it covers cPanel License, Litespeed License, Directadmin License, Cloudlinux license, Softaculous License and all other license services purchased from the company.
HOSTİXO.COM it covers the license services that we provide to our customers who receive server rental services by the company.
HOSTİXO.COM it covers the license services that we provide to our customers who receive server hosting services by the company.

4.1 After completing the paying transaction of the Customer, the license service is put into use and activation information is sent to the customer.
4.2 The license service will be defined to a single IP address or a single server.
4.3 There are no refunds in any way in the license services.
4.4 Whether online activation is performed in license services and due to problems caused by the customer server HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
4.5 License services cover only the license service and do not cover the software installation.
4.6 License services do not include support for problems that may occur with the use of software or problems.
4.7 The management of the server from which the license service has been purchased is the responsibility of the user and the management of the server HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
4.8 Hostixo states that it is an intermediary company and the companies providing the software are responsible for problems caused by HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.

5.1 HOSTİXO.COM , informs the customer via e-mail about the prices to be charged for the service.
5.2 HOSTİXO.COM , Has the authority to pay the payment without acceptance of the service by the CUSTOMER.
5.3 HOSTİXO.COM , may suspend the service if renewal payments are not paid on time. From the damages that will occur due to the suspension of the service HOSTİXO.COM he is not responsible.
5.4 HOSTİXO.COM issues invoices related to the services provided. Invoices can be downloaded via the CUSTOMER panel.
5.5 In license services, licenses that have expired 1 day past the billing date are closed and a 1-month license fee must be paid in order to be activated again.

5.6 Reactivation costs may be incurred due to license renewal by the software company, these prices may be HOSTİXO.COM he is not responsible.

6.1 Changes to this agreement approved by the CUSTOMER during the online application will be notified to the CUSTOMER by publishing on the website and/or by e-mail over time.
THE CUSTOMER, HOSTİXO.COM by continuing to use their services, they will be deemed to have accepted the changed contract terms.
6.2 If payments are not made or delayed in any way HOSTİXO.COM he retains the right to terminate the contract.
6.3 In case of non-compliance with the rules specified in the Contract HOSTİXO.COM he terminates the contract. No refund of any fee will be made.

SSL Certificate Agreement

1. sides
HOSTIXO BILIŞIM LIMITED COMPANY operating at the address of Ömer HalisDemir University Campus Technopark Building Floor: 2 No: 216 Niğde. (after that HOSTİXO.COM referred to as.) which are in control of HOSTİXO.COM the natural or legal person who purchases the license service through the website address (hereinafter referred to as the CUSTOMER.) between the Decrees, the details of which are given below, have been accepted.

2.1 Your electronic approval of this agreement means that you have read the agreement and that you accept and agree to all the terms contained in the agreement.
2.2 All disputes that may arise between both parties will be resolved within the framework of the Decrees detailed in the contract. In case the CUSTOMER violates the specified conditions HOSTİXO.COM it may confiscate the relevant accounts or stop the services provided for a period of time, indefinitely.
2.3 This agreement HOSTİXO.COM it comes into force between the CUSTOMER and the CUSTOMER after the CUSTOMER Decrees it. This contract HOSTİXO.COM the rules of the SSL Certificate services that the CUSTOMER provides or will provide cover the general terms of service.

HOSTİXO.COM it covers the paid or free SSL certificate service that the company provides to the CUSTOMER within the scope of this agreement.

4.1 For all SSL certificates, it is not allowed to use them on websites and digital media where products and services prohibited by law are sold.
4.2 Hosting Free SSL Certificates are provided by automation for 3-month periods, and any problems that may occur HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
4.3 The free installation support offered in paid SSL certificates is set off for 1 time and its repetition will be paid.
4.4 Free installation support offered in paid SSL certificates is performed on cpanel and plesk. Other panels are not offered for a fee or free of charge.
4.5 Problems that will occur due to the counter server in the free installation support offered in paid SSL certificates HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
4.6 The verification method for paid SSL certificates is provided to the customer and it is the customer’s responsibility to perform it.
4.7 It is the customer’s responsibility to open the website as https, that is, with SSL. HOSTİXO.COM he does not offer support on this issue.
4.8 Hostixo states that it is an agent of the SSL Certificate brand and will provide technical support for the guarantee provided by the SSL brand to its customer against any security breaches that may occur during the use of the SSL certificate. But regardless of the problems that will occur due to the SSL Certificate or due to other factors HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.

5.1 HOSTİXO.COM , informs the customer via e-mail about the prices to be charged for the service.
5.2 HOSTİXO.COM , Has the authority to pay the payment without acceptance of the service by the CUSTOMER.
5.3 HOSTİXO.COM , may suspend the service if renewal payments are not paid on time. From the damages that will occur due to the suspension of the service HOSTİXO.COM he is not responsible.
5.4 HOSTİXO.COM issues invoices related to the services provided. Invoices can be downloaded via the CUSTOMER panel.
5.4 Paid SSL Certificate services are stopped if the billing date passes by 1 day and 3. the day is deleted with the service in tow. 
5.6 Data losses that will occur in cases caused by collection HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible. 

6.1 Changes to this agreement approved by the CUSTOMER during the online application will be notified to the CUSTOMER by publishing on the website and/or by e-mail over time.
THE CUSTOMER, HOSTİXO.COM by continuing to use their services, they will be deemed to have accepted the changed contract terms.
6.2 If payments are not made or delayed in any way HOSTİXO.COM he retains the right to terminate the contract.
6.3 In case of non-compliance with the rules specified in the Contract HOSTİXO.COM he terminates the contract. No refund of any fee will be made.

Backup Contract

1. sides
HOSTIXO BILIŞIM LIMITED COMPANY operating at the address of Ömer HalisDemir University Campus Technopark Building Floor: 2 No: 216 Niğde. (after that HOSTİXO.COM referred to as.) which are in control of HOSTİXO.COM the natural or legal person who purchases the license service through the website address (hereinafter referred to as the CUSTOMER.) between the Decrees, the details of which are given below, have been accepted.

2.1 Your electronic approval of this agreement means that you have read the agreement and that you accept and agree to all the terms contained in the agreement.
2.2 All disputes that may arise between both parties will be resolved within the framework of the Decrees detailed in the contract. In case the CUSTOMER violates the specified conditions HOSTİXO.COM it may confiscate the relevant accounts or stop the services provided for a period of time, indefinitely.
2.3 This agreement HOSTİXO.COM it comes into force between the CUSTOMER and the CUSTOMER after the CUSTOMER Decrees it. This contract HOSTİXO.COM the rules of the COMPANY regarding the licensing services provided or provided to the CUSTOMER cover the general terms of service.

HOSTİXO.COM it covers the paid or free backup service provided by the COMPANY to the CUSTOMER within the scope of this agreement.

4.1 Weekly backup service in hosting services is offered free of charge as a gift within the scope of the package received by Hostixo and due to any disruptions that may occur HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
4.2 Hosting services are backed up to a different backup server at certain periods, but customers are primarily responsible for taking their own backups.
4.3 In the backup service offered for a fee or free of charge in hosting services, the backup conversion process must be performed by the customer via the control panel.
4.4 Problems that will occur due to Jetbackup and similar plugins offered via the control panel in hosting services HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
4.5 The backup service offered for free is for sites that have not exceeded the size of 5GB and there will be problems that will occur HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
4.6 The backup service provided in the server services is taken due to a possible system failure and the backups are shared based on good faith. 
4.7 The backup service provided in the server services depends on automation and will be caused by problems caused by automation HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
4.8 Backup responsibility is the customer’s responsibility in the first degree, regardless of which service it is. From the data losses that will occur HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
4.9 Free backup service is not offered on the physical server or server hosting services, and any problems that may occur HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.

5.1 HOSTİXO.COM , informs the customer via e-mail about the prices to be charged for the service.
5.2 HOSTİXO.COM , Has the authority to pay the payment without acceptance of the service by the CUSTOMER.
5.3 HOSTİXO.COM , may suspend the service if renewal payments are not paid on time. From the damages that will occur due to the suspension of the service HOSTİXO.COM he is not responsible.
5.4 HOSTİXO.COM issues invoices related to the services provided. Invoices can be downloaded via the CUSTOMER panel.
5.5 Paid backup services and Free backup services are stopped if the billing date passes by 3 days and 4. the day is deleted with the service in tow. 
5.6 Data losses that will occur in cases caused by collection HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
5.7 Hostixo does not have to share a free replacement for expired packages. In case of availability of a backup, it can perform a backup installation by making a package renewal or additional charge. Oct.

6.1 Changes to this agreement approved by the CUSTOMER during the online application will be notified to the CUSTOMER by publishing on the website and/or by e-mail over time.
THE CUSTOMER, HOSTİXO.COM by continuing to use their services, they will be deemed to have accepted the changed contract terms.
6.2 If payments are not made or delayed in any way HOSTİXO.COM he retains the right to terminate the contract.
6.3 In case of non-compliance with the rules specified in the Contract HOSTİXO.COM he terminates the contract. No refund of any fee will be made.

Refund terms the return conditions related to the services and products offered for sale by are given below.

Hosting Purchase Service the customer can unconditionally refund any hosting service he has purchased annually. The refund period is 15 days from the start date of the service. It is not possible to refund the free services offered together with the service in the campaign services (for example, free domain name registration). The refund process is carried out by deducting the amount of services such as the domain name defined as a gift / Free of charge. Sub-services included in the scope of the Hosting Purchase Service; Web Hosting, Reseller Hosting, WordPress Hosting, Joomla Hosting, Enterprise Hosting, Windows Hosting and all sub-hosting packages.
There are no refunds for hosting services purchased on a monthly basis.
If a refund is requested for hosting packages that have been transported, a fee deduction is made for transportation.

Hosting Renewal Service

A hosting renewal is an extension of a previously purchased and ongoing service. There are no refunds for renewals.

Server Purchase and Renewal Service the customer cannot request a refund for the server service he has purchased on a monthly basis. 
However, in case of a problem that will affect the service activity, installation fees, activation fees, usage periods, all other costs and license fees will be deducted in order to prevent victimization, the condition of examining the situation that will occur and in case of a problem that will affect the service activity, a refund will be made. 
The period used for server renewals, discounts arising from campaigns, installation fees, activation fees, usage periods, all other costs and license fees are refunded by deducting.

Domain Name Service

Domain registrations are made privately to a person or institution. Cancellation is not possible even if it is not used because it is a registration service. For this reason, refunds cannot be made for domain purchase and renewal services.

License Purchase and Renewal Service

There is no refund of any fee for Licensing Services. Refunds cannot be made on renewed licenses.

SSL Certificate Purchase Service

SSL records are made privately to the domain. Cancellation is not possible even if it is not used. For this reason, refunds cannot be made in SSL Purchase services.

Private IP Purchase Service the customer can unconditionally return the IP service he has purchased annually. The refund period is 15 days from the start date of the service. There are no refunds on IP addresses purchased monthly.

Server Support Service

Server Support Service is a service that covers updates, maintenance and problem solving of the server for server services. It cannot be refunded after purchase.

The Extradition Process

The customer should notify our company together with the refund request, if any, by creating a support request via the Hostixo customer panel within the framework of legal processes. After the necessary examinations are carried out, he should follow the functioning process.
The price received for the refunded services is 15 in full. it will be returned within days. For payments made by wire transfer and EFT, the refund is made by the same method again within 15 days and transferred to the customer’s account. Paying paying by credit card is made within 15 days, but it may take more than 7 days for this payment to be reflected on the customer’s credit card.


In all services, customer records are kept under the user name defined by the email address. Customer service related, any kind of changes and similar requests can be made by logging into the control panel from the registered email address or by sending an email. For damages that may occur if the email address falls into the hands of another person he cannot be held responsible.

In case of a dispute between more than one person or institution regarding the ownership of the received service, control panel access is temporarily closed. Dec. in such cases, it may request confirmation of identity information from the customer for security.The service is transferred to the person or institution paying for the services. Unless other people or institutions approve the transfer of content (such as files in the hosting service, email content), the services are transferred null and void.

Confidentiality Agreement and KVKK Clarification Text

These privacy policies are provided by Hostixo Internet Bil. Summer. Hist. By the Trade and Industry Limited Company, it has been prepared for the determination of the company’s responsibilities regarding confidentiality.
The following substances it contains the rules of information collection and distribution operations on the website. please read this Privacy Policy before making transactions on the site, If you do not agree with the Privacy Policy, please do not take action on the site. This Privacy Policy it is valid for and there is no binding nature for the other sites mentioned on it.
With this Privacy Policy you have accepted the terms of the .


There are security measures applied by our company to prevent the loss of information, unauthorized use and unauthorized modification of information on our site. These security measures are;

1 – Thanks to credit card collection with SSL Security Certificate, your credit card information is transmitted to banks in encrypted form with Secure Socket Layer.

2 – Your credit card number is definitely not saved. We also do not know your card number used at the time of the transaction. Although this transaction, which is only between you and our bank, is through our website, your credit card is a secret between you and our bank during the transaction. Decryption Decryption is a secret between you and our bank.

3 – Our site works with Litespeed webserver technology. The latest known protections have been installed and are constantly monitored to prevent a mishap.

Personal Information

To introduce our products to you, to inform you about our new products, services or promotions, to make new product sales or to provide support after product sales on the website; we may need to request your personal information, such as your name, address, e-mail address and phone number. If your current information is not sufficient, additional information may be requested from you by means of communication such as e-mail, telephone or fax. Oct. The information collected within this scope it is classified as personal information on the site.

Non-Personal Information Collected Automatically during a visit to our website, it may use technologies that allow us to collect certain technical information, such as your IP address, your computer’s operating system, browser type, traffic patterns, or the address of any relevant websites. In order to obtain more detailed information about our visitors, information files described as cookies may be sent to your computer by our site. These files are files that contain technical information about the system you are using completely and are widely used in the world.

Data Sharing data that does not contain personal information (the operating system used, the gender of the visitors, etc.) 3. it may share information with individuals for the purpose of providing information. Private information that is considered personal unless legally requested by us 3. it is not shared with individuals. Hostixo Internet Bil. Summer. Hist. It is a trademark of Ticaret ve Sanayi Limited Şirketi, and personal information may be shared with other sites within the company for informational or promotional purposes.

Depending on the service received to use user information in the registration or service utilization process 3. he can share with the parties. The purpose of the sharing here is to share the mandatory information necessary for the transaction to take place with the relevant party (institution / company). Depending on the ICANN rules for domain name registration whois may transmit its information to institutions or companies that are mandated and determined by the ICANN structure. In domain registration; the Domain Operator can register and process the account and whois information transferred to the Domain Operator for their own operation.

Accuracy of the Data it may replace or delete incomplete or incorrect information entered by its visitor with new information to be received from its visitor or correct information to be obtained by cross-examination method.

Correction / Renewal

Our users are T who are registered on our site.C. he/she has the right to change all his/her information except identity number, name, surname, e-mail address at any time.

Exchange we may change or remove this Privacy Policy, the Site or access to these pages at any time and without notice.

Protection of Personal Data
Information about the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (KVKK)

On this page; There is informative content about the responsibilities assumed by our company about the “Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698”, which has entered into force for the purpose of protecting the privacy of private life, fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the rights you have as a user.

Hostixo Internet Tic. and San. Ltd. Şti. as a result, protecting the personal data of our valued users who visit the websites of Hostixo and other brands and benefit from the services they provide is one of our top priorities within the scope of the laws of the Republic of Turkey.

Personal data refers to all kinds of information such as first name, last name, Turkish identity number, contact information related to an identified or identifiable person. Your personal data; Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”), Electronic Communication Law No. 5809, Information Technologies and Communication Authority, Personal Data Protection Authority regulations and other legislation provisions can be processed in accordance with the provisions of; in accordance with the relevant legislation, our company takes all technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security in order to prevent the unlawful processing of your personal data Jul, prevent access to it jul and ensure its preservation.

Collection, Processing and Processing Purposes of Personal Data

KVKK is also located at 4. in accordance with the article:

Personal data can only be processed in accordance with the procedures and principles provided for in this Law and other laws.
It is mandatory to comply with the following principles in the processing of personal data:
Do not comply with the rules of law and honesty.
Do not be accurate and up-to-date when necessary.
Processing for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes.
Being connected, limited and restrained with the purpose for which they are processed.
To be kept for the period stipulated in the relevant legislation or necessary for the purpose for which they are processed.

Although your personal data may vary depending on the product, service or commercial activity offered by Hostixo, it may be collected verbally, in writing or electronically by automatic or non-automatic methods, offices, website, social media channels, mobile applications and similar means. As long as you benefit from Hostixo’s products and services, your personal data will be able to be processed by being created and updated. In addition, your personal data may be processed when you visit our website, attend training, seminars or organizations organized by Hostixo.

To Whom and for What Purposes the Processed Personal Data May be Transferred

Your personal data that is registered; for domain name registration, license registration, SSL registration and similar services, 3. Party companies, institutions and organizations; software manufacturers depending on the services and licenses used in server services, debit or credit card institutions for paying and collection services, providing email sending services 3. party email sending companies, companies and institutions that process electronic documents such as efatura, earshiv and similar for billing and accounting transactions, in order to measure user experiences and conduct marketing studies 3. The party is shared to the extent necessary with statistical and analysis companies and legal authorities.

Your personal data collected; Hostixo the products and services offered by our units for you from giving him the benefit of the work required to be done by, Hostixo of products and services offered by the tastes, habits and customized to your needs and propose to you, and hostixo Hostixo of people who are in a business relationship with the legal and commercial security of supply, the formulation and implementation of commercial and business strategies of hostixo with the execution of human resources policies for the purposes of the provision of law enforcement, public institutions and private persons, 8 of the law KVK. and 9. personal data may be transferred within the framework of the processing conditions and purposes specified in the articles.

The Method and Legal Reason of Collecting Personal Data

Your personal data is obtained in all kinds of oral, written or electronic media for the purpose of providing the products and services offered by Hostixo within the specified legal framework for the purposes listed above and to fulfill the responsibilities of Hostixo arising from the contract and the law in a complete and accurate manner within this scope. Your personal data collected for this legal reason is subject to Section 5 of the KVK Law. and 6. within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in the articles, they can also be processed and transferred for the purposes specified in articles (1) and (2) of this text.

11 Of the KVK Law of the Personal Data Owner. The Rights Listed in the Article

As personal data owners, if you submit your requests for your rights to Hostixo using the methods set out below, Hostixo will finalize the request free of charge as soon as possible and no later than thirty (30) days, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board will be charged by Hostixo.

In this context, the personal data owners;

To learn whether personal data is processed or not,
If your personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,
To learn the purpose of the processing of personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
To know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred at home or abroad,
To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing of personal data and to request notification of the transaction made in this context to the third parties to whom the personal data are transferred,

Support Obligations

Hostixo offers technical support service during working hours in the context of the necessity and continuity of the services offered.  The normal technical support team provides assistance between 09:00 to 18:00 on weekdays and between 10:00 and 17:00 on weekends, and the on-duty technical support team provides assistance during the period outside of these hours. Dec. The technical support service we provide is provided depending on the conditions. These conditions are as follows.

Web Hosting and Reseller Hosting (Reseller) Services

In the Reseller hosting service, support is offered only to our customers. The customer of our reseller hosting customers cannot request technical support. Our Reseller hosting customers are obliged to provide technical support to their own customers. Our company does not offer support to our customer’s customer.

If the customer of our reseller hosting customer contacts us for technical support, we will show the way by informing him about who and how he can get technical support service from.

Support requests via our website for technical support can only be sent by our reseller hosting customer and are taken into account by us.

Our company definitely does not offer technical support for software problems on the side of websites. 

Although answering operations for support tickets are performed according to the processing intensity and priority, there is no guarantee period for responding. 

Since technical support operations require time and review, there is no guarantee for providing support over the phone. Technical support is provided primarily through a support ticket.

The installation of frequently used CMS software such as WordPress can be done by us by softaculous, but the theme installation, plugin installation and related settings must be done by our customers. 

The e-mail account installation on all devices is the responsibility of our customers. Our side can help by forwarding the article to our customer about the correct settings for this installation and how to do it. 

Cloud, Virtual VDS and Dedicated Server Services

The scope of technical support in VPS, VDS, cloud and physical server services includes the initial installation of the service, making it ready for use, moving sites and making pre-delivery settings of the server.

In the process after delivery, the technical support process is carried out based on good faith.  
The services, software, special configurations and plug-ins in the server are the responsibility of our customers.
If the server management process is to be performed by us, support service should be purchased.

Other Terms and Information

Hostixo technical support staff can contact via phone if necessary within the scope of KVKK in case of non-agreement on the support ticket.

Hostixo technical support staff, support request or over the phone insults, profanity, loud communication, etc. in such cases, it has the rights to close the support request or terminate the phone conversation. In addition, he has the right to permanently stop the support service.

Explicit Consent Text

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”), HOSTIXO BILIŞIM LIMITED COMPANY (“HOSTİXO.COM ”), for what purpose it will be processed by, to whom and for what purpose the processed personal data may be transferred, the method and legal reason for collecting personal data, and Article 11 of the KVKK. I have been informed about my other rights listed in the article.

In this context, by accepting that the necessary information has been provided to me, that I have read and understood this text, the Customer Disclosure Text in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Legislation, my phone number, e-mail address, first and last name and other personal data HOSTİXO.COM tracking of purchasing habits provided by it, campaign and package information services, providing guidance on products and services, providing information about campaigns, advertising, marketing and campaign activities for these services and products on social media, search engines, Dec. to be realized through various channels and to keep my data on all kinds of platforms for these purposes, HOSTİXO.COM to be able to benefit from all kinds of services, to be informed by all kinds of communication tools and channels for promotion, marketing and sale, and to keep my personal data on all kinds of platforms for the promotion of the service, and HOSTİXO.COM if I participate in online survey studies, it will be processed within the scope of the above-mentioned information in order to improve the website and online services, HOSTİXO.COM to its affiliates, referred to 3. I consent to its transfer to people.

In terms of the counted information and documents; HOSTİXO.COM the right of nun to retain, save, store, process and share this information and documents will be accepted by the CUSTOMER to whom it is granted. Again, in terms of this information and documents HOSTİXO.COM it shall be deemed to have accepted, declared and committed as an irrevocable recourse that I have/ will have and have my consent/consent to the use, processing, transfer of personal data of a special nature and the transfer of data and personal data of a special nature abroad when necessary.

Affiliate Agreement – Affiliate Agreement

1. sides
 HOSTIXO BILIŞIM LIMITED COMPANY operating at the address of Ömer HalisDemir University Campus Technopark Building Floor: 2 No: 216 Niğde. (after that HOSTİXO.COM referred to as.) which are in control of HOSTİXO.COM a natural or legal person participating in the sales program via the website address (hereinafter referred to as a PARTNER.) between the Decrees, the details of which are given below, have been accepted.

2.1 Your electronic approval of this agreement means that you have read the agreement and that you accept and agree to all the terms contained in the agreement.
2.2 All disputes that may arise between both parties will be resolved within the framework of the Decrees detailed in the contract. In case the PARTNER violates the specified conditions HOSTİXO.COM it may confiscate the relevant accounts or stop the services provided for a period of time, indefinitely.


3.1 This agreement HOSTİXO.COM it comes into force between the PARTNER and the PARTNER when the PARTNER participates in the sales partnership program. Dec. This contract HOSTİXO.COM it covers the terms of the sales partnership program between the PARTNER and the PARTNER. Dec.

4.1 Participation in the program is provided via the customer panel.
4.1.1 Each reference participating in the program must create an individual or corporate membership on its own behalf.
4.1.2 An account that becomes a member by not participating in the program cannot be included in the program later.
4.1.3 Transferred services are not included in the program.
4.1.4 HOSTİXO.COM in case of an illegal situation, it reserves the right to remove the accounts that have joined the program from the program. 
4.1.5 Deciency between the PARTNER and the referenced user HOSTİXO.COM he cannot be held responsible.
4.1.6 The user referred by the PARTNER may leave this program voluntarily if he wishes.
4.1.7 He/she may not make any administrative requests in the user account to which the JOINT reference is made.
4.1.8 Google adwords etc. it is not possible to benefit from a sales partnership by advertising with a reference link on the platforms. If used, the sales partnership account will be closed without payment.
4.1.9 The services requested for refund will be deducted from the JOINT commission fee.

4.2 PARTNER HOSTİXO.COM links, advertisements and other promotional materials for the services provided by un, HOSTİXO.COM in accordance with the un guidelines, and HOSTİXO.COM it will publish in a way that does not violate the trademarks and copyrights of .
4.3 PARTNER HOSTİXO.COM the commission earned by un for publishing links, ads and other promotional materials for its services will not charge an external fee.
4.4 HOSTİXO.COM It will provide a commission for the sale made by the PARTNER with a reference link according to the terms specified in the contract.
4.5 The commission amount may vary depending on the services and the sales prices made.
4.6 The Affiliate program does not cover Domain Name, SSL and License services. 
4.7 To exit the JOINT sales partnership program HOSTİXO.COM he must submit a written request to .
4.8 Minimum commission pay amount HOSTİXO.COM it will be determined by and presented to the PARTNER side via the panel.
4.9 Paying commission by subtracting taxes and other expenses HOSTİXO.COM it will be calculated and submitted to the PARTNER side.

5.1 HOSTİXO.COM paid paid minimum commission fee, when requested as payment, the calculation process will be based on the exchange rate at the time the referenced member made the payment.
5.2 HOSTİXO.COM Pay paid by the PARTNER, the commission fees of the non-program services may be reflected in the customer panel when payment is requested, but these fees will be deducted in the calculation when payment is requested.
5.3 If the PARTNER does not comply with the terms of the contract, the affiliate account will be closed without payment. 
5.4 Pay cannot be requested if the commission fee is below the minimum withdrawal fee.
5.5 HOSTİXO.COM the calculation of the commission fee withdrawal is made within 15 working days and paid on the 30th of the next month.

6.1 Changes to this agreement, approved by the PARTNER during the online application, will be notified to the PARTNER over time by posting on the website and/or by e-mail.
PARTNER, HOSTİXO.COM by continuing to use their services, they will be deemed to have accepted the changed contract terms.
6.2 If payments are not made or delayed in any way HOSTİXO.COM he retains the right to terminate the contract.
6.3 In case of non-compliance with the rules specified in the Contract HOSTİXO.COM he terminates the contract. No refund of any fee will be made.